Sunday, 12 August 2007

The Gambit Research Whine

The result of the Great Gambit Research Wine Tasting Challenge was never in doubt really. Not that I'm bitter or anything.

The teams were:

1) The Computer Geeks, consisting of...
(i) A small boy, who was more interested in the chocolate brownies than the wine.
(ii) An eccentric Scotsman, whose main contribution was to point out that a cork displays a negative poisson distribution. To demonstrate this, he squashed a brownie between his fingers, clearly illustrating that a brownie is something which doesn't display a negative poisson distribution.
(iii) A moon of Saturn, who dislikes wine, so his main strategy was that whichever wine he liked most must be the cheapest.

2) The Disciples of Copas : two ex-Warwick students who spent far too much time bickering over whether wine number 3 smelt a bit twee or a bit like wee.

3) The Classicists, one of whom organised the evening, had been to two similar wine tastings before, and used to work in the wine trade. Not fair.

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