Friday, 26 January 2007

Some stuff I've learnt recently

1) You only need to sell about 3000 singles to get into the top 40. "Showers for hours" is destined for the charts methinks. If we get a big enough band together (like the Polyphonic Spree), it'll probably only cost a couple of hundred pounds each to download enough singles to get into the charts. Anyone know a drummer?

2) There's a nice restaurant in Uxbridge, called the Martin's Place Bistro. The plaice and prawns in flamingo juice was marvellous. But don't start a fire there as a fire engine can't fit up the road between the parked cars.

3) The guy in the lilac turban says that we're going gambling mad as a nation. But what does he know, he was amazed when a professional gambler guessed five out of ten true/false questions correctly.

4) You're a witch and I pray for your death. I'm allowed to say that.

5) It's bread!

6) Pool and darts were fun today.

1 comment:

pasta_rogue said...

And I've noticed that you can't post without a fish reference. Bass, Jaws and Plaice so far.