Monday, 19 February 2007

Phones, not 4 me?

I arranged to meet Mark & Reena at the pub the other day. I deliberately turned up half an hour late knowing that they wouldn't arrive on time, but they were even more tardy than I'd estimated, and hence I had another 20 minutes to kill. So I bought myself a new mobile phone.

It doesn't work.

I took the SIM card out of my old phone and put it in the new one. Actually, to be more accurate, firstly I took the battery out of my old mobile phone thinking it was a SIM card (well how was I supposed to know what a SIM card looked like?) and tried to insert it into the new one. It didn't fit.

So I took the SIM card out of my old phone and put it in the new one. It did fit.

Then I inserted the correct battery, and plugged the phone into the mains. Nothing happened. No flashing lights, no funky ring tones, nothing. Am I missing something really obvious, is there an on/off button or something?

And now, when I try to make my old phone work, it doesn't charge up. So now I am the proud owner of two mobile phones, neither of which works. No, scrap that. Now I am the slightly embarrassed owner of two mobile phones, neither of which works.

Omg, I am sooo previous!


Winston Smith said...

I think you will find that with these phones are developed with "special" people in mind. To get it to work you must own a piece of burberry clothing or have read Harry Potter.
Hope this helps you impress all those people on the train.

mister_guts said...

Don't worry. When I get my new phone working you can have the old one. For free.

pasta_rogue said...

Does your battery insertion technique perhaps leave something to be desired?